- Náš projekt: 2022-2-SK-KA122-SCH-000094570
- Partnerská organizácia Slovinsko
- Partnerská organizácia Estónsko
- Príprava na mobilitu - Slovinsko
- Slovinsko - príchod
- Slovinsko - 1. deň
- Slovinsko - 2. deň
- Slovinsko - 3. deň
- Slovinsko - 4. deň
- Slovinsko - 5. deň
- Slovinsko - rozlúčka
- Rím - kurz pre učiteľov 1. a 2. deň
- Rím - kurz pre učiteľov 3. a 4. deň
- Rím - kurz pre učiteľov 5. a 6. deň
- Zaškolenie pedagógov
- Estónsko - 1. deň
- Estónsko - 2. deň
- Estónsko - 3. deň
- Estónsko - 4. deň
- Estónsko - 5. deň
- Estónsko - 6. deň
- Estónsko - 7. deň
- Erasmus days - 1. day - Slovinsko
- Erasmus days - 2. day - Estónsko
- Jobshadowing 4
Partnerská organizácia Estónsko
Lümanda Põhikool
web: lymanda.edu.ee
Our school is a small rural school with 76 pupils aged 7-16. We are located on the island of Saaremaa, we are the most western school in Estonia. We are a public school offering compulsory education to children from closeby areas.
As we are surrounded by beautiful nature, our school is focused on teaching pupils about nature and everything connected to it. We try to keep local traditions, but also be part of the modern world. Our teachers use many digital tools in their lessons, but at the same time we teach traditional handicraft.
Our school has many afternoon hobby clubs – singing, art, media, badminton, to name a few. Our robotics team is small, but successful in various competitions. Our pupils also take part in lots of sports events.