- Náš projekt: 2022-2-SK-KA122-SCH-000094570
- Partnerská organizácia Slovinsko
- Partnerská organizácia Estónsko
- Príprava na mobilitu - Slovinsko
- Slovinsko - príchod
- Slovinsko - 1. deň
- Slovinsko - 2. deň
- Slovinsko - 3. deň
- Slovinsko - 4. deň
- Slovinsko - 5. deň
- Slovinsko - rozlúčka
- Rím - kurz pre učiteľov 1. a 2. deň
- Rím - kurz pre učiteľov 3. a 4. deň
- Rím - kurz pre učiteľov 5. a 6. deň
- Zaškolenie pedagógov
- Estónsko - 1. deň
- Estónsko - 2. deň
- Estónsko - 3. deň
- Estónsko - 4. deň
- Estónsko - 5. deň
- Estónsko - 6. deň
- Estónsko - 7. deň
- Erasmus days - 1. day - Slovinsko
- Erasmus days - 2. day - Estónsko
- Jobshadowing 4
Partnerská organizácia Slovinsko
Primary school Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu
OID: E10017574
Official name: Osnovna šola Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu
Web: www.ossmartno-sg.si
Our school is a small primary school settled in the northern part of Slovenia in the beautiful countryside. We are a public school, and our students are from 6 until 14/15 years old, because compulsory education in Slovenia lasts for 9 years. There are 357 pupils in two classes for each level, all together 18 classes. For pupils who need different educational programs according to their disabilities, we do not have special classes. They are integrated with the rest of their peers but are provided with the help of special needs education teachers.
We try to take into consideration our geographical and regional/local conditions. Our school is located in a rural area, so there are more students taking the bus to school every morning. The number of girls and boys is almost equal. We respect traditions but at the same time, we implement modern technologies in our education.
We are active in projects. Our main project is called Eco school and we have a part of it for more than 20 years. There are plenty of activities regarding this project. For example, same-age education: building up a school wild eco garden in the school area, we learn and take actions in the field of responsible consumption, a lot of our students come to school by bikes, we are trying to avoid the food waste as much as we can, we recycle …
We also offer extra-curricular activities, clubs, ski and swimming courses, summer and winter camps, a camp for gifted pupils, and participation in various competitions.
There are 37 pedagogical and 13 non pedagogical employees. We try to work as one team and cooperate on school activities. We organize trips and excursions either for pupils or for teachers.
We cooperate with parents actively and regularly.
We try to create a beautiful place where our students and teachers can feel safe, well and happy. J