The first Erasmus+ meeting at our school / Prvé stretnutie Erasmus+ na našej škole
On Thursday, 9.2. got acquianted our students with the Erasmus+ program. They have already claimed their interest in Erasmus mobility via registering in edupage by their parents. They found out what is this program about, and what are main benefits they can get. We shortly discussed the conditions of the selection for mobility.
Students who would like to involve in mobility will have to write motivation letters, attend an individual interview, and regularly prepare for mobility activities.
After the selection of participants our school will sign the contract with chosen participants.
We spoke about the mobilities of students. There are certain steps that have to be fulfilled. Before the mobility, our students will get to know students from hosting organizations. They will write emails or letters to each other where they introduce their families and homes. They will see each other in the photos and in online lessons via etwinning platform. We will plan all the activities for mobility and also after mobility.
In the end of our meeting, there was a place for discussion. Students asked questions about possible countries, how they would find friends, what activities they would do in hosting organizations, etc… Finally we set up the deadline for the selection.
Vo štvrtok 9.2. sa naši študenti zoznámili s programom Erasmus+. Potvrdili svoj záujem o mobilitu prostredníctvom registrácie rodičov na Edupage. Žiaci sa dozvedeli, o čom je tento program, aké sú jeho hlavné výhody, ktoré môžu získať. Krátko sme distkutovali o podmienkach výberu na mobilitu.
Tí, ktorí by sa chceli zapojiť do mobility, budú musieť napísať motivačné listy, zúčastniť sa individuálneho pohovoru a pravidelne sa pripravovať na activity mobility.
Po výbere účastníkov podpíše naša škola s nimi zmluvu.
Sú určité podmienky, ktoré musia byť splnené. Pred mobilitou sa naši študenti zoznámia so študentami z hosťujúcej školy. Budú si písať maily a listy, kde si predstavia rodiny a domovy. Uvidia s ana fotkách a online hodinách prostredníctvom platformy etwinning. Vopred naplánujeme activity na mobilitu i po mobilite.
Na záver náško stretnutia bol priestor na diskusiu. Žiaci kládli otázky o možných krajinách, ako by si našli priateľov, akým aktivitám by sa venovali v hostiteľských organizáciách, atď….. Nakoniec sme si stanovili konečný termín výberu.